Thursday, November 20, 2008

Life Today.

I know I should be blogging about the amazing things I heard on Glenn Beck this morning or the terrible service we have experienced at restaurants this last few weeks but I would rather talk about my family. Ben earned a Book It award for Pizza Hut so we went tonight...then we spent over two hours on homework! Mel and Sam worked. Mel is off to her friends house where they are getting geared up to see the midnight showing of "Twilight". I know, it is a school night but... and Paul, Nate and Sam are off moving a stove for one of the rentals in the freezing cold. It is supposed to get to 5F. That is mighty chilly. The popcorn sales are in so now I get to stare at it until Thanksgiving...which we are not being traditional this year. I have to work the day before and the two after so we are settling for pizza, popcorn, pop and football. Doesn't get much better than that. I am also on a countdown for Steph to get home. I am thinking of beginning the "Twilight" books tomorrow.


Amy said...

You're "thinking" of reading Twilight? Janelle, you really should read it. You'll like it!

BTW my word verification is cokes (that's awesome)!

renniemom said...

I will read of Mel's friends is bringing it over. Yeah!

Unknown said...

i never thought i would read the books. it sounded so not interesting to me - but i couldn't stand not knowing, so I caved a bit ago and am almost done with the last one. I've really enjoyed them. It is nice to read something totally just for fun - one that takes you back to being a teen in love. its been a totally enjoyable read....

miss all of you in sioux falls. but not your cold. our cold hasn't hit like that yet. our lows have still been in the 20's.

renniemom said...

It was 7F this morning. Too Cold! I am all pumped to read them now...

Stephanie Lanoy said...

three weeks and five days!.... five weeks and five days for scott to get there... ehh i'll live for two weeks without him i guess ;)